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Rýchle precvičovanie výberom z dvoch možností.

Be, have, do
To be in present simple
To have in present simple
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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To do, to have, to be: questions  
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To do, to have, to be: negatives
To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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Be, have, do: mix
Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Present tense: questions  
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Present tense: negatives
Present simple vs. present continuous  
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Present simple vs. present continuous: Animals
Present simple vs. present continuous: Sports
Talking about the present: mix
Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
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Past tense: questions  
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Past tense: negatives
Past continuous tense  
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Present perfect tense  
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Past perfect  
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Past simple vs. past continuous  
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Past simple vs. past continuous: Travel
Past simple vs. present perfect  
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Past simple vs. present perfect: Games
Past simple vs. present perfect: Sports
Present perfect: simple vs. continuous  
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Present perfect simple vs. continuous: Sports
Past simple vs. past perfect  
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Talking about the past: mix
Talking about the future
Future simple tense  
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Future tenses: continuous vs. perfect  
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Will vs. going to  
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Tenses: mix
Nouns and pronouns
Plural nouns (regural)  
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Plural nouns (irregular)  
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Personal pronouns  
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Reflexive pronouns  
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Possessive pronouns  
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Pronouns: mix
Articles and quantity
Indefinite article  
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Definite article  
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Zero article  
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Articles: mix
Few, less, little, much, many
Nouns: countable, uncountable  
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Some, any, no, every
Both, all, whole, every, each
Another, other, either, neither, each
This, that, these, those
Quantity: mix
Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives: comparative and superlative
Adjectives: comparative
Adjectives: superlative
Adjectives: comparative vs. superlative  
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Adjectives: comparative and superlative mix
Adverbs: comparative and superlative
Adverbs: comparative
Adverbs: superlative
Adverbs: comparative vs. superlative  
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Adverbs: comparative and superlative mix
Adjective or adverb?
Position of adjectives
Position of adjectives: basics
Multiple adjectives
Position of adverbs in sentences  
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Adverbs with two forms
Too vs. enough  
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Adjectives and adverbs: mix
Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time: in, on, at
Prepositions of time: mix
Prepositions of place  
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Prepositions of direction  
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Prepositions: other
Linking words
Prepositions and conjunctions: mix
Modal verbs
Modal verbs and infinitive
Modal verbs: present simple
Modal verbs: past simple
Can vs. could
Must, have to, can
Modal verbs: mix
Verb patterns
Gerund vs. infinitive  
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Infinitive clauses
Make vs. let
Have something done
Used to
Verb patterns: mix
Word formation
Word forms
Questions, question words, short answers
Wh- questions
Question tags
Questions: mix
First conditional  
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Wish, unless, if only, if not
Conditionals: mix
Active vs passive

Stavba viet

Skladanie slovíčok do správneho poradia.

Be, have, do
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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Picture description: children (do, have, be)
To do, to have, to be: questions  
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To do, to have, to be: negatives
To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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There is, there are
Picture description: there is, there are
Be, have, do: mix
Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Present continuous  
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Popisky obrázků: děti a hry
Popisky obrázků: sportování
Popisky obrázků: škola
Picture description: people in nature
Popisky obrázků: lidé v přírodě
Popisky obrázků: město
Popisky obrázků: cestování
Present tense: questions  
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Questions about animals
Travelling questions
Present tense: negatives
Present simple vs. present continuous  
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Talking about the present: mix
Popisky obrázků: zvířata
Picture description: animals
Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past tense: questions  
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Past tense: negatives
Past continuous tense  
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Present perfect tense  
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Past perfect  
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Past simple vs. past continuous  
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Past simple vs. present perfect  
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Talking about the past: mix
Pictures from the past
Talking about the future
Future simple tense  
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Will vs. going to  
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Nouns and pronouns
Reflexive pronouns  
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Articles and quantity
Another, other, either, neither, each
Adjectives and adverbs
Position of adverbs in sentences  
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Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of place  
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Modal verbs
Can vs. could
Must, have to, can
Verb patterns
Infinitive clauses
Make vs. let
Have something done
Used to
Questions, question words, short answers
Wh- questions
Question tags
Questions: mix
Questions about pictures
Conversation questions
Shopping questions
Restaurant questions
Facts about the world (questions)
Passive voice
Reported speech


Cvičenie, v ktorom píšete odpoveď na klávesnici.

Be, have, do
To be in present simple
Verb to be
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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To do, to have, to be: questions  
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To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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Be, have, do: mix
Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Present continuous  
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Present tense: questions  
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Present tense: negatives
Present simple vs. present continuous  
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Present simple vs. present continuous
Talking about the present: mix
Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
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Past tense: questions  
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Past tense: negatives
Past continuous tense  
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Present perfect tense  
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Past simple vs. past continuous  
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Past simple vs. present perfect  
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Past simple vs. present perfect
Nouns and pronouns
Plural nouns (irregular)  
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Articles and quantity
Indefinite article  
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Articles: mix
Few, less, little, much, many
Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives: comparative and superlative
Adjectives: comparative vs. superlative  
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Adjective or adverb?
Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives and adverbs longer
Than vs then
Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of place  
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Prepositions and conjunctions: mix
Word formation
Word forms
Questions, question words, short answers
Simple questions
Questions with auxiliary verbs
Wh- questions
Passive voice
Mixed practice
Thought, though, through, taught, tough

Doplňovanie textu

Do textu s rozsahom jedného odstavca dopĺňate na vybrané miesta správnu z dvoch možností.

Be, have, do
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
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Past continuous tense  
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Present perfect tense  
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Talking about the past: mix
Talking about the future
Future simple tense  
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Nouns and pronouns
Plural nouns (regural)  
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Plural nouns (irregular)  
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Personal pronouns  
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Articles and quantity
Indefinite article  
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Articles: mix
Adjectives and adverbs
Adverbs: comparative and superlative
Adverbs: comparative vs. superlative  
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Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of time

Posluch viet

Vypočujte si krátku ukážku a úlohou je vytvoriť vetu z pripravených slov.

Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
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Doplňovanie jednotlivých krokov v rozsiahlejšom postupe.

Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Tenses: mix
Present simple vs. present continuous


Triedenie pojmov do kategórií.

Be, have, do
Be, have, do: mix
Verb to be: positive, negative, question
Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Present simple: I, she, infinitive
Present simple: positive, negative, question
Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past simple tense: pronunciation (-t, -d, -id)
Past simple tense: ending
Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
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Nouns and pronouns
Noun gender
Gender: he, she, it
Plural nouns: mix
Plural S pronunciation (-s, -z, -iz)
Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives: comparative and superlative
Adjectives: comparative vs. superlative  
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Adverbs: comparative and superlative
Adverbs: comparative vs. superlative  
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Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of time
Parts of speech
Parts of speech: mix

Anglické vtipy

V každom vtipe chýba niekoľko slov a vašou úlohou je doplniť tie správne slová z pripraveného výberu.

Tenses basic

Tenses advanced

Tenses hard


Preteky v rýchlosti proti robotom. Jednoduché ovládanie výberom z dvoch možností.

      Be, have, do
           Be, have, do: mix Spustiť
           Talking about the present
                Present simple tense Spustiť
           Talking about the past
                Talking about the past: mix
                               Past simple tense: mixSpustiť
           Tenses: mix
                     Big tenses mixSpustiť
      Nouns and pronouns
                Plural nouns: mix Spustiť
                Possessive pronouns Spustiť
      Articles and quantity
                Articles: mix Spustiť
                Quantity: mix Spustiť
      Prepositions and conjunctions
           Prepositions and conjunctions: mix Spustiť
           Modal verbs
                Can vs. could Spustiť
                Modal verbs: mix Spustiť

Ďakujeme za vašu správu, bola úspešne odoslaná.

Napíšte nám

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Čoho sa správa týka?

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