Doplňovanie textu

Do textu s rozsahom jedného odstavca dopĺňajte na vybrané miesta správnu z dvoch možností. Úloha má jednoduché ovládanie (môžete využiť myš alebo šípky) a priebežné vyhodnotenie. Týmto cvičením si precvičíte porozumenie anglickému textu a gramatické pravidlá.

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Be, have, do
To do, to have, to be in present simple  
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To do, to have, to be in past simple  
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Talking about the present
Present simple tense  
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Talking about the past
Past simple tense (regular verbs)  
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Past simple tense (irregular verbs)  
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Past continuous tense  
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Present perfect tense  
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Talking about the past: mix
Talking about the future
Future simple tense  
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Nouns and pronouns
Plural nouns (regural)  
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Plural nouns (irregular)  
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Personal pronouns  
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Articles and quantity
Indefinite article  
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Articles: mix
Adjectives and adverbs
Adverbs: comparative and superlative
Adverbs: comparative vs. superlative  
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Prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions of time

Ďakujeme za vašu správu, bola úspešne odoslaná.

Napíšte nám

Neviete si rady?

Najprv sa, prosím, pozrite na časté otázky:

Čoho sa správa týka?

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