Anglické slovíčka | |
Základné slovíčka | |
Čísla a čas | |
Čísla | |
| |
Čas: dni, týždne, roky |
| | |
Čísla a čas: mix |
| |
Slovíčka: podstatné mená | |
Ľudia | |
Rodina, vzťahy |
Časti tela |
Oblečenie |
Zamestnanie |
Pocity, nálady |
Stavy, myšlienky | |
| |
Ľudia: mix |
Zvieratá | |
Zvieratá v lese | |
| |
Vtáky | | |
Exotické zvieratá |
| | |
Zvieratá: mix |
| |
Príroda, svet | |
Ovocie a zelenina |
| |
Kvety, stromy | |
Počasie | |
| |
Miesta |
| |
Príroda, svet: mix |
| |
Priestor a miesta | |
Mesto |
Dom, časti domu, nábytok |
Záhrada, farma | |
Priestor a miesta: mix |
Veci | |
Kuchyňa, vybavenie | |
| |
Náradie | | |
Auto | | |
Hudobné nástroje | | |
Veci: mix | |
Slovíčka: slovesá | |
Slovesá | |
Základné slovesá |
| |
Pohybové slovesá |
Komunikácia (slovesá) |
Abstraktné slovesá | | |
Slovesá: mix |
Tematické slovesá | |
Činnosti v domácnosti | |
| |
Kriminálka (slovesá) | | |
Frázové slovesá | |
Frázové slovesá: get, take | |
Frázové slovesá: iné | |
Frázové slovesá: mix | |
| |
Slovíčka: ďalšie slovné druhy | |
Prídavné mená | |
Základné prídavné mená |
| |
Vlastnosti a popisy ľudí |
Vlastnosti a popisy predmetov |
| | |
Prídavné mená: mix |
Príslovky | |
Príslovky miesta | |
| |
Príslovky spôsobu | |
Príslovky: mix | |
| |
Zámená, predložky, citoslovce | |
Zámená |
| | |
Predložky | |
| |
Tematické slovíčka a frázy | |
Škola, práca, peniaze | |
Škola, školské potreby, činnosti |
Nakupovanie | |
Svet práce | |
Peniaze | | |
Zo života | |
Otázky, odpovede, pozdravy |
| | |
Zdravie, choroby, zdravý životný štýl |
Denné rutiny | |
| |
Sviatky, oslavy | |
| |
Bábätko | | |
Líčenie, šperky | | |
Jedlo | |
Potraviny, jedlá, nápoje |
Príprava jedla | | |
V reštaurácii | |
| |
Športovanie | |
Športy |
| | |
Športové vybavenie | |
| |
Športové pojmy | |
| |
Cestovanie | |
Názvy štátov | |
| |
Miesta na cestách | |
| |
Výbava na cesty | |
| |
Aktivity na cestách | | |
Dopravné situácie | | | |
V letadle | | |
Zábava | |
Kino a televízia | |
| |
Knihy | | |
Technológie | |
Texty, média | |
| |
Zo sveta | |
Stredovek | |
| |
Umenie | |
| |
Náboženstvo, viera | |
| |
Politika | |
Životné prostredie, katastrofy | | |
Krimi | | |
Grammar | |
Be, have, do | |
To do, to have, to be in present simple |
| |
To do, to have, to be: questions |
| |
To do, to have, to be in past simple |
| |
Be, have, do: mix |
| |
Tenses | |
Talking about the present | |
Present simple tense |
| |
Present tense: questions |
| |
Present simple vs. present continuous | |
| |
Talking about the present: mix |
| |
Talking about the past | |
Past simple tense (regular verbs) |
| | |
Past simple tense (irregular verbs) | |
Past tense: questions |
| |
Past continuous tense | |
| |
Present perfect tense | |
Past perfect | | |
Past simple vs. past continuous | | |
Present perfect: simple vs. continuous | | |
Past simple vs. past perfect | | |
Talking about the past: mix |
Talking about the future | |
Future simple tense | |
| |
Will vs. going to | |
| |
Future tenses: continuous vs. perfect | | |
Tenses: mix |
Past simple vs. past continuous | |
| |
Past simple vs. present perfect | |
| |
Present simple vs. present continuous |
| | |
Nouns and pronouns | |
Nouns | |
Plural nouns (regural) |
| | |
Plural nouns (irregular) | |
Pronouns | |
Personal pronouns |
| | |
Possessive pronouns |
| |
Pronouns: mix |
| |
Articles and quantity | |
Articles | |
Indefinite article |
| | |
Definite article | |
Zero article | |
| |
Articles: mix | |
| |
Quantity | |
Few, less, little, much, many | |
Nouns: countable, uncountable | |
Some, any, no, every | |
| |
Both, all, whole, every, each | |
| |
Another, other, either, neither, each | | |
This, that, these, those | |
| |
Quantity: mix |
| |
Adjectives and adverbs | |
Adjectives: comparative and superlative | |
Adjectives: comparative vs. superlative | |
| |
Adverbs: comparative and superlative | |
Adverbs: comparative vs. superlative | |
| |
Position of adverbs in sentences | |
| |
Too vs. enough | | |
Adjectives and adverbs: mix | |
| |
Prepositions and conjunctions | |
Prepositions of place | |
| |
Prepositions of direction | |
| |
Prepositions: other | |
| |
Prepositions and conjunctions: mix | |
| |
Verbs | |
Modal verbs | |
Modal verbs: present simple | |
| |
Modal verbs: past simple | | |
Must, have to, can | |
Can vs. could |
| |
Should | | |
Modal verbs: mix | |
Verb patterns | |
Gerund vs. infinitive | | |
Used to | | |
Verb patterns: mix | | |
Sentences | |
Questions, question words, short answers | |
Wh- questions | |
| |
Question tags | |
| |
Questions: mix | |
| |
Conditionals | |
Zero and first conditional | |
| |
Second and third conditional | | |
Conditionals: mix | | |